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Eliminating repetition

over-engineering a homework assignment for fun


For a class assignment, I had to write a tiny interpreter for a toy language whose specification was given to us. This post explores the process of recognizing and eliminating some repetition in the interpreter.

Basic factoring

The language has basic arithmetic operations like plus, minus, and times which are modeled in the obvious way. An initial attempt at the function for evaluating arithmetic expressions might look something like the following.

let rec eval_arith (s : store) (a: iarith) -> int =
  match a with
  | Plus (x, y) -> eval_arith s x + eval_arith s y
  | Minus (x, y) -> eval_arith s x - eval_arith s y
  | Times (x, y) -> eval_arith s x * eval_arith s y

Note that the store argument maps variable names to integer values. This is the "environment" that evaluation takes place in. Evaluation of plus, minus, and times expressions doesn't immediately need access to variable bindings, so the environment is simply passed through to the evaluations of each sub-expression.

Honestly, this code is perfectly fine as-is, but I just can't help myself when I see a pattern like that... We can factor out the repetition by writing something like:

let foo f g a b = f (g a) (g b)

let rec eval_arith (s : store) (a: iarith) -> int =
  match a with
  | Plus (x, y) -> foo ( + ) (eval_arith s) x y
  | Minus (x, y) -> foo ( - ) (eval_arith s) x y
  | Times (x, y) -> foo ( * ) (eval_arith s) x y

foo is a function that applies a function to a and b and then combines the results of those functions using a given binary operator. It has the type ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'c -> 'b. A quick hoogle search shows that Haskell has such a function called on in base, so let's call it that.

let on f g a b = f (g a) (g b)

let rec eval_arith (s : store) (a: iarith) -> int =
  match a with
  | Plus (x, y) -> on ( + ) (eval_arith s) x y
  | Minus (x, y) -> on ( - ) (eval_arith s) x y
  | Times (x, y) -> on ( * ) (eval_arith s) x y

The Reader Monad

At this point, I'm fairly satisfied with this aspect of the implementation, but I want to revisit another aspect that I mentioned earlier:

Note that the store argument maps variable names to integer values. This is the "environment" that evaluation takes place in. Evaluation of plus, minus, and times expressions doesn't immediately need access to variable bindings, so the environment is simply passed through to the evaluations of each sub-expression.

Classically, we use the Reader monad to do this environment passing implicitly. I've only been playing with OCaml for a week or so, but my understanding is that this kind of functional programming is not quite so popular in OCaml (the standard library does not have Reader and I couldn't find a de facto standard implementation like in Haskell's mtl). Given that, I decided to quickly re-implement the language in Haskell where I can make use of mtl, do notation, etc..

Using Reader to pass around the environment, we can write evalArith as follows:

evalArith :: IArith -> Reader Store Int
evalArith (Plus x y) = do
  xn <- evalArith x
  yn <- evalArith y
  return $ xn + yn
evalArith (Minus x y) = do
  xn <- evalArith x
  yn <- evalArith y
  return $ xn - yn
evalArith (Times x y) = do
  xn <- evalArith x
  yn <- evalArith y
  return $ xn * yn

Success! The environment no longer needs to be explicitly passed down to the sub-computations. Again, there's a not-insignificant amount of repetition here. Let's factor it out:

foo :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (IArith -> Reader Store Int) -> IArith -> IArith -> Reader Store Int
foo' f g x y = do
  xn <- g x
  yn <- g y
  return $ f xn yn

evalArith :: IArith -> Reader Store Int
evalArith (Plus x y) = foo (+) evalArith x y
evalArith (Minus x y) = foo (-) evalArith x y
evalArith (Times x y) = foo (*) evalArith x y

I'm not exactly sure what to call this function yet, but let's move on for now.

Combining them

I'm still not quite satisfied with this implementation. In the first section, we discovered a function, on, that encapsulates the idea of combining the results of applying a function to two different arguments. Now, we're still doing that, but we're not using on! Let's see how we can define foo in terms of on to get the best of both worlds.

To start, let's lay out the types of each function and try to solve the type puzzle (we'll need to figure out how to fit together the "pieces").

foo :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (IArith -> Reader Store Int) -> IArith -> IArith -> Reader Store Int
on  :: (b   -> b   -> c  ) -> (a      -> b               ) -> a      -> a      -> c

Lining up the types like this shows how these have very similar shapes! However, we quickly realize that there's no consistent instantiation of the type variables. We have a ~ IArith, but b needs to be both Int and Reader Store Int (and similarly for c). This tells us that foo and on aren't the same, so we need something to transform one to the other. To determine what that "something" is, let's consider what we have and what we need. We'll use typed holes to guide the process.

foo :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (IArith -> Reader Store Int) -> IArith -> IArith -> Reader Store Int
foo f g x y = on _ _ _ _

We already know that a ~ IArith is valid, and we have two arguments of that type, x and y, so let's plug those in.

foo :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (IArith -> Reader Store Int) -> IArith -> IArith -> Reader Store Int
foo f g x y = on _ _ x y

Let's take a look at what the compiler has to say about the remaining holes.

app/Main.hs:43:18: error:
    • Found hole: _ :: b0 -> b0 -> Reader Store Int
      Where: ‘b0’ is an ambiguous type variable
43 | foo f g x y = on _ _ x y
   |                  ^

app/Main.hs:43:20: error:
    • Found hole: _ :: IArith -> b0
      Where: ‘b0’ is an ambiguous type variable
43 | foo f g x y = on _ _ x y
   |                    ^

We can see that we have a free type variable, b0. We can also see that the second hole has a shape similar to something we have: g :: IArith -> Reader Store Int. Let's plug in g for the second hole (therefore setting b0 ~ Reader Store Int) and see what that does for us.

foo :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (IArith -> Reader Store Int) -> IArith -> IArith -> Reader Store Int
foo f g x y = on _ g x y
app/Main.hs:43:18: error:
    • Found hole:
        _ :: Reader Store Int -> Reader Store Int -> Reader Store Int
43 | foo f g x y = on _ g x y
   |                  ^

If you squint, the type of f and the type of the hole look kind of similar...

_ :: Reader Store Int -> Reader Store Int -> Reader Store Int
f ::              Int ->              Int ->              Int

We have a pure function on Ints and we want a similar function on Ints where each argument and the result also have an associated environment. In Haskell terms, we want to "lift" the function we have into the Reader monad. This situation turns out to be incredibly common when dealing with monads. For functions of two arguments, Haskell has a function, liftM2, that will do precisely what we want.

liftM2 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r

Therefore, we can write foo as follows:

foo :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (IArith -> Reader Store Int) -> IArith -> IArith -> Reader Store Int
foo f g x y = on (liftM2 f) g x y

I'm not sure if there's some kind of naming convention for functions like these, but I went with onLiftM2 because... it's on... after liftM2. Eta-reducing and generalizing the type signature (which will allow the same function to be used for boolean evaluation!), we arrive at the final definition of both onLiftM2 and evalArith.

onLiftM2 :: Monad m => (a -> a -> c) -> (b -> m a) -> b -> b -> m c
onLiftM2 = on . liftM2

evalArith :: IArith -> Reader Store Int
evalArith (Plus x y)  = onLiftM2 (+) evalArith x y
evalArith (Minus x y) = onLiftM2 (-) evalArith x y
evalArith (Times x y) = onLiftM2 (*) evalArith x y


And that's it! We started with some repetitive code and used the power of type-driven development and monads to... increase the size of the code (measured in number of characters) by about 40%! One might look at that result ask why we bothered doing all of this. While eliminating repetition can (and often does, at larger scales) decrease code size, that's not its primary goal.

Eliminating repetition serves primarily to decrease cognitive load. At first, one might disagree with that conclusion. It is clearly easier to write repetitive code. After all, the repetitive solution was the first we came up with, and it worked fine. To understand the final version, you have to understand on, liftM2, Reader, and more! Surely that makes the cognitive load associated with the final version higher!

I would disagree. Decreasing cognitive load is something that is becoming increasingly popular in modern programming (largely inspired by functional programming). It manifests itself as things like static typing or Rust's borrow checker, neither of which are always easy to work with/around. Even so, by their nature, they limit the number of things programmers have to think about. Similarly, recognizing and abstracting patterns allows readers of code to learn something once and then re-use that knowledge where the abstraction is used.

This specific example is over-engineered, but the same principles apply when working with much larger codebases where the benefits increase exponentially. And, of course, it was really about the friends we made along the way.