A quick explanation of how I added an RSS feed to my blog
While fixing up this blog, I decided I wanted to publish an RSS feed for it. I struggled a bit at first to figure out the best way to do this properly in a fully static Next.js site, so I'm writing this in case it might help someone in the future.
So... here it is:
// /app/rss.xml/route.ts
import { Feed } from "feed";
export async function GET() {
const feed = new Feed({
title: "David Richey's Blog",
description: "My personal blog, mostly about programming",
id: "https://darichey.com",
link: "https://darichey.com",
copyright: "All rights reserved",
// get allMyPosts from somewhere, populate the feed somehow
for (const post of allMyPosts) {
title: post.title,
description: post.subtitle,
date: new Date(post.date),
link: post.link,
return new Response(feed.rss2());
That's all it takes! You can stop reading now if that's all you need.
This takes advantage of Next.js Route Handlers.
This approach was non-obvious to me, because, in my goal to create a static site, I had previously dismissed route handlers
as a feature I could use. I viewed them as a purely dynamic thing (how is my static site going to handle a request?), but
that is not the case! Specifically, GET
handlers "render to a static file during next build
In fact... this exact RSS use case is an example in the docs! In my defense, I did search 🥲
Before backing up and considering route handlers, I tried a few different things...
or public/rss.xml
in generateStaticParams()
. I saw a couple resources online recommending this approach, but it is flawed, because it doesn't work correctly in both next dev
and next build
. This was annoying, because I couldn't easily share the code for getting allMyPosts
between the Next.js app and this other program.In the end, I'm glad I stopped and read through the docs again, because the final product is infinitely better than any of those!